Should you need an operation or a medical procedure that requires a period of recuperation to get you back on your feet, it is likely that you will encounter all sorts of additional expenses that, in the normal course of family life, are almost impossible to budget for.
MyRecoveryCheque doesn’t dictate how you spend your money, you might decide that a well-earned family holiday is the best way to recuperate – with MyRecoveryCheque you decide how best to use your benefit.
If you work for yourself, being unable to work for a period of time could severely impact your finances. Should you ever require an operation, MyRecoveryCheque will pay you a cash benefit based on the normal recovery time of your operation*.
Many employees today are concerned about the loss of income if they are off work through illness. The most significant time off work will be due to a medical operation or procedure, and unless your employer provides sick pay, this will be covered only by statutory sick pay. Even if your employer offers a sick-pay scheme, recovering from an operation can have its costs. Income protection schemes rarely cover short-term absences and where they do, the cost can be substantial.
Should you not be employed MyRecoveryCheque can help you with your out of pocket expenses when you are ill and require an operation. Benefits can be used for additional treatments, child care support or just a holiday to help you recuperate. Because MyRecoveryCheque pays cash benefits you can choose how to spend them.